Angelbattle bros: Minou, our neighbor's doggy was on a visit
Angelbattle bros: 20141114-_doushie_Went to the hairdressers today.
Angelbattle bros: 20141114-Doushie gekapt_3506
Angelbattle bros: Hermes wishes everybody Happy Holidays!
Angelbattle bros: Naughty or Nice?
Angelbattle bros: Doushie sits on her lap.
Angelbattle bros: 3-1-2015 3/365. Lotus a fosterdoggy is staying over.
Angelbattle bros: Hermes, our adoption doggy
Angelbattle bros: Sarah a fosterdoggy at the foundation DWARF is ready to be adopted.
Angelbattle bros: Late 48/365.
Angelbattle bros: 16/365 Luca enjoying the wintersun.
Angelbattle bros: 27/365 Even my doggy was more inspired than me!
Angelbattle bros: 25/365 a snapshot of my doggy
Angelbattle bros: Luca highkey poging 2.
Angelbattle bros: Doushie is modelling reluctantly.
Angelbattle bros: Doggy stole an apple from my wife's plate
Angelbattle bros: 70/365 It seems that our Greek foster / adoptive dog Hermes has adapted nicely to the Dutch customs.
Angelbattle bros: 124/365. Our adoption doggy is getting of age. 9 months and it seems as if his hearing is failing. This is one of the moments that he decides to react on me calling him over.
Angelbattle bros: 127/365. My doggy needed to know if those goats taste as good as they look.
Angelbattle bros: 133/365. my doggies running wild in a meadow full of Rapeseed (Brassica napus), also known as rape,
Angelbattle bros: 168/365. No pitcher would be worth a darn without a catcher who could handle the hot fastball.
Angelbattle bros: 94/365. Minou. At Middelwaard. A timid border terrier girl who needs to be helped to climb the couch.a guest during the holidays. Today she shows a completely different side of her. We were flabbergasted!
Angelbattle bros: 197/365. Minou, our little guest: Why am i thinking about dinner right now?
Angelbattle bros: 274/365. We had to babysit our neighbor's puppy for a while. Couldn't resist to put her in front of a camera.
Angelbattle bros: 298/365. Went to the woods for a stroll. The colors matched my doggy. Tried another style i picked up. Tried using a wide angle lens. Makes him a bit more bubblely. Don't you think? Thanks for tips Kaylee Greer from Dog Breath on the Grid!
Angelbattle bros: 304/365. Doushie, we rescued from a puppy farm is 3 years with us next month. She'll be 10 years old very soon!
Angelbattle bros: 305/365. Doggyshoot. Our old Luca. She has been faithful for almost 17 years. Now and again, on a good day, she stifly comes along on our strolls in the woods near Zeist.
Angelbattle bros: 311/365. "I've seen a look in dogs' eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that basically dogs think humans are nuts." --John Steinbeck
Angelbattle bros: 333/365. Cotton (obvious the blondest one) together with Hermes. Hermes took her on as his protégé. Here he is learning her the ropes on how to get in favor of her (temporary) mom. We are sure that she will find a loving home.