aranarth: Doily motif/ Motivo tapete
aranarth: Doily / Tapete
aranarth: Black Choker motif
aranarth: Black Choker
aranarth: Net curtains/ Visillos punto de red
aranarth: Blanket in progress/ Futura mantita
aranarth: Net curtains detail/ Visillos - detalle
aranarth: The Ring's Poem
aranarth: Black Choker II
aranarth: Mantita en curso / Blanket to be
aranarth: Funda móvil / Cellphone bag
aranarth: Fingerless gloves / Mitones
aranarth: Mondial red kim yarn
aranarth: Phil Soie Red Yarn
aranarth: Phil Soie Violet Yarn
aranarth: Mitones / Fingerless gloves
aranarth: ovillos
aranarth: Ovillo blanco
aranarth: Ovillo azul
aranarth: Gorrito Artístico
aranarth: gorrito_pablo
aranarth: Detalle Mantita (otro)
aranarth: Mantita
aranarth: Detalle Mantita
aranarth: Mitones (Mittens)
aranarth: Mitones (Mittens)
aranarth: merino_sport
aranarth: Gratitude Doily
aranarth: Black Cowl
aranarth: Penny Wristwarmers