-Angela: my little flower
-Angela: my first pumpkin
-Angela: Miss Chiquita 2003
-Angela: finding her shadow
-Angela: the magic of the season
-Angela: bug hunt
-Angela: tearing tape
-Angela: gettin' wet
-Angela: birthday series 1
-Angela: 3rd birthday party
-Angela: "I'm a robot"
-Angela: too big for a nap
-Angela: last day of school
-Angela: 3 yr check up, "big girl" confirmation
-Angela: the face of a big girl
-Angela: the look of desire
-Angela: must find juicest berries
-Angela: my pink flower
-Angela: cotton candy pink
-Angela: first trip to the dentist
-Angela: our big helper
-Angela: keeping watch
-Angela: Father's Day 2003 and 2005
-Angela: girlie giggles
-Angela: third postion
-Angela: the fountains
-Angela: dancing with Daddy
-Angela: summer swingin'
-Angela: airborne