LAnge Est Là:
3rd Edition 200 Bagues / 20 créateurs (200 rings / 20 designers)
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Allez! Du Galet ! Expo. Coullioure, France
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Pôle Bijou Baccarat exhibit - Baccarat, France
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Exhibit "Quand le Bijou Innove" Pôle Bijou Baccarat, France Oct. 2008
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#biennaledesbijoutierscreateurs #rouanne #exhibit #exposition #pieceunique #bague #ring #jaillissement #amber #ambre #Morta
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"Jaillissement" - ring
LAnge Est Là:
Expo "Entre Terre et Mer" - Between Land and Sea - @ l'Atelier, Viaduc des Arts, Paris - work by 9 artists from Bretagne (Brittany) being shown until september 12th, 2015. I eill be doing demonstrations live on September 10th from 14:30-17:00. #Entreterr