Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: looking out the window
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: my cute model
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: pink and green
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: simple elegance
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: playing with shadows
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: catching the sun
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: tiger drinking
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: looks like a lemur
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: baby elephant
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: meerly resting
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: fiberglass macro
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: a mothers' care
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: reaching the sun
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: a touch of pink
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: a sea of ferns
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: a flash of blue