Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: playing around the flower
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: on the inside
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: pink or purple?
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: im seeing stars......
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: macro! again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: tiny dandelion
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: tiny red flower
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: single rose bud
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: The flowers' weapons
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: star berries, spider thread
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: pastel flowers
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: fiberglass macro
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: pink and green
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: playing with shadows
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: catching the sun
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: simple elegance