Ange Halle: a tree, a field, a quarry and woods / New: July 2011, this tree is now gone ! / 2012: Building frenzy is now the thing here. As for the quarry, it has grown. You can hardly see those beautifull woods in the background.
Ange Halle: one of my favourite trees
Ange Halle: All that's left of my favourite tree
Ange Halle: Remember the field - see my set with before and after views
Ange Halle: "The Tree is Gone Set" shows the progression from a tree to this construction / Sausage days at the local restaurant in Gloten
Ange Halle: Some of the old photostream view can be refound
Ange Halle: a nine story tree - one of the few images I have which thrive on this exagerated enormous format.