Ange Halle:
Churches in Bussnang - the catholic and the protestant churches are practically next to each other
Ange Halle:
La Grande Synagogue a Geneve
Ange Halle:
Temple - place of worship in Zurich
Ange Halle:
Mosque - place of worship
Ange Halle:
Mobile Hindu temple / shrine
Ange Halle:
Hindu festivities
Ange Halle:
Remembering 108 people from Constance
Ange Halle:
Saint Agatha's catholic church in Dietikon
Ange Halle:
St Josephs Church
Ange Halle:
church place of worship in Frauenfeld
Ange Halle:
St. Francis of Salles church in Geneva
Ange Halle:
Roman Catholic Church
Ange Halle:
St. Boniface church in Geneva
Ange Halle:
The St. Francis catholic church at Horn
Ange Halle:
The St. Francis catholic church at Horn
Ange Halle:
St. Peter's church
Ange Halle:
church in Wil and the refurbishing of the vicarage (to the right)
Ange Halle:
the most beautiful wall in Wil
Ange Halle:
Igreja Sao Nicolau, St. Nicholas church
Ange Halle:
Igreja e escola Sta. Catarina, St. Catherine's church
Ange Halle:
St. Aloisius and St. Carl Borromaeus
Ange Halle:
A door to St. Nicholas church / Uma porta da igreja Sao Nicolau
Ange Halle:
church - place of worship in Winterthur
Ange Halle:
Church across the field from the minergie houses - old and new ways in conservation
Ange Halle:
the protestant church in Bussnang, Thurgau
Ange Halle:
Reform church in Weinfelden
Ange Halle:
Zurich multimobile crowds near the church
Ange Halle:
St. Pierre protestant cathedral of Geneva
Ange Halle:
old city of Geneva
Ange Halle:
old city of Geneva / Plaque to Dona Emilia de Nassau in the St. Pierre cathedral