Andy Worthington: London NHS campaigners join the People's March for the NHS
Andy Worthington: London NHS campaigners in Red Lion Square
Andy Worthington: Save the NHS: important messages
Andy Worthington: Holding hands to save the NHS
Andy Worthington: The People's March for the NHS: Jarrow marchers arrive at Red Lion Square
Andy Worthington: The People's March for the NHS
Andy Worthington: Resistance! The People's March for the NHS
Andy Worthington: Rehana Azam at the People's March for the NHS
Andy Worthington: Joanna Adams at the People's March for the NHS
Andy Worthington: Billy Bragg at the People's March for the NHS
Andy Worthington: The People's March for the NHS sets off for Trafalgar Square
Andy Worthington: The People's March for the NHS reaches the Strand
Andy Worthington: You have no mandate to destroy our NHS
Andy Worthington: The People's March for the NHS on the Strand
Andy Worthington: The People's March for the NHS approaches Trafalgar Square
Andy Worthington: The People's March for the NHS: the crowd in Trafalgar Square
Andy Worthington: The People's March for the NHS: the Jarrow marchers in Trafalgar Square
Andy Worthington: Thieving Tory scumbags: it's our NHS
Andy Worthington: The People's March for the NHS: one of the Jarrow marchers
Andy Worthington: The People's March for the NHS: placards in Trafalgar Square
Andy Worthington: The People's March for the NHS: Rehana Azam addresses the crowd
Andy Worthington: Nye Bevan on the NHS
Andy Worthington: The People's March for the NHS: supporters in Trafalgar Square
Andy Worthington: The People's March for the NHS fills Trafalgar Square