andywalker1: Approach from the Grand Montet
andywalker1: Abseiling in to the Rognon
andywalker1: Rognon des Drus
andywalker1: Bivouac at the Rognon des Drus
andywalker1: The American Direct and the West Face, Petit Dru
andywalker1: Aiguille du Moine, from the start of the American Direct, Petit Dru
andywalker1: Jean-Michel, Always Looking Upwards
andywalker1: Slab, Lower Face, American Direct, Petit Dru
andywalker1: Jean-Michel Leading on the Lower Face, American Direct, Petit Dru
andywalker1: Diedre on Lower Face, American Direct, Petit Dru
andywalker1: Jean-Michel Seconding Steep Cracks, Lower Face, American Direct, Petit Dru
andywalker1: Early Morning, Lower Face, American Direct, Petit Dru
andywalker1: Lower Face, American Direct, Petit Dru
andywalker1: Below the Jammed Block, American Direct, Petit Dru
andywalker1: Below the Jammed Block, American Direct, Petit Dru
andywalker1: Jammed Block, American Direct, Petit Dru
andywalker1: At the Jammed Block, American Direct, Petit Dru
andywalker1: Starting the Huge Diedre, American Direct, Petit Dru
andywalker1: 90 Meter Diedre, American Direct
andywalker1: American Direct, Petit Dru
andywalker1: Above the Jammed Block, American Direct, Petit Dru
andywalker1: Traversing to the West Face Route, from American Direct, Petit Dru
andywalker1: Traverse to the Vire des Allemands, American Direct, Petit Dru
andywalker1: Traverse to the Vire des Allemands, American Direct, Petit Dru
andywalker1: Bivouac, Vire des Allemands, American Direct, Petit Dru
andywalker1: Supper and Bedroom, Vire des Allemands, American Direct, Petit Dru
andywalker1: Sunset from Vire des Allemands Bivouac, Petit Dru
andywalker1: Cracked Chimneys Above the Vire des Allemands, Petit Dru West Face
andywalker1: Top of the North Face, Petit Dru, exiting the American Direct
andywalker1: Top of the American Direct, Petit Dru