ASharpe.: Soul suckin reap
ASharpe.: The scale of higher power
ASharpe.: I hate getting lasered
ASharpe.: for Hell Bomb Tattoo
ASharpe.: Section of sleeve
ASharpe.: Some octopus squid action
ASharpe.: Section of chest piece
ASharpe.: Section of a Viking sleeve
ASharpe.: Tilt split set
ASharpe.: Puff the magic dragon.
ASharpe.: Big guy
ASharpe.: Spaulding and Rogers
ASharpe.: Damn French Canadians
ASharpe.: Fun to do
ASharpe.: Tattoo George based design
ASharpe.: Nuclear bird?
ASharpe.: Shit kicker
ASharpe.: squid oct battle
ASharpe.: snake black
ASharpe.: goat
ASharpe.: Close to done w this 2 yr old sleeve
ASharpe.: Flame job