andyscamera: Shoreline view: May 2019
andyscamera: Spring at the lake
andyscamera: Shoreline view: July 2019
andyscamera: Ducklings
andyscamera: Dock, lake
andyscamera: Sun, lake
andyscamera: Morning at the lake
andyscamera: Stairs to the lake
andyscamera: Not sailing weather
andyscamera: The first cherry tomato of the season
andyscamera: Morning at the lake
andyscamera: Strawberry jam
andyscamera: Morning at the lake (sailing day)
andyscamera: Flowers, and canoe
andyscamera: Morning at the lake
andyscamera: Morning at the lake
andyscamera: Morning at the lake
andyscamera: Cottage in the woods
andyscamera: Peaches, patiently waiting to be marmelade
andyscamera: From the garden: various tomatoes, yet more zucchini, cucumbers
andyscamera: Shoreline view: August 2019
andyscamera: Stairs, morning