andyrotchell: Alvin 1
andyrotchell: Alvin 2
andyrotchell: Alvin 3
andyrotchell: Archie at the controls
andyrotchell: Departure Hall
andyrotchell: Globule 2
andyrotchell: Globule
andyrotchell: Le Redoutable - galley2
andyrotchell: Le Redoutable - in the engine room
andyrotchell: Le Redoutable - in the mess
andyrotchell: Le Redoutable - in the mess2
andyrotchell: Le Redoutable - inter hull space
andyrotchell: Le Redoutable - Martin at the helm
andyrotchell: Le Redoutable - missile tubes
andyrotchell: Le Redoutable - Officer's cabin
andyrotchell: Le Redoutable - plumbing nightmare
andyrotchell: Le Redoutable - purge valve on missile tube
andyrotchell: Le Redoutable - sterngear
andyrotchell: Le Redoutable - the heads
andyrotchell: Le Redoutable - the helm 2
andyrotchell: Le Redoutable - the helm
andyrotchell: Le Redoutable - the propellor
andyrotchell: Le Redoutable - torpedo control panel
andyrotchell: Le Redoutable - torpedo propellor
andyrotchell: Le Redoutable - valvegear
andyrotchell: Le Redoutable -conning tower
andyrotchell: Le Redoutable -conning tower2
andyrotchell: Le Redoutable -conning tower3
andyrotchell: Nautile
andyrotchell: Rudder