andyrotchell: dredging the hooge crater 2
andyrotchell: dredging the hooge crater
andyrotchell: inside bunker hooge crater
andyrotchell: bunker hooge crater
andyrotchell: debris 2
andyrotchell: debris 3
andyrotchell: debris
andyrotchell: hooge crater cemetery
andyrotchell: hooge crater cemetery 2
andyrotchell: capt and gunners
andyrotchell: eight soldiers
andyrotchell: Riddell_S_Captain_MC_9th_York_and_Lancaster_Regiment_Royal_High_School_Of_Edinburgh_Roll_Of_Honour_1914-1918
andyrotchell: capt riddell
andyrotchell: lt dunman
andyrotchell: hooge crater cemetery 3