Lammyman: Just Sniffin' The Roses
Lammyman: Look to The Skies
Lammyman: They are but "Shades" of a Different Kind Now
Lammyman: Saturated Stump
Lammyman: Compo. In Reds
Lammyman: Wood or Stone..?
Lammyman: Stone or Wood..?
Lammyman: Trees in the gardens of Vesunna. Perigueux
Lammyman: Dead Tree + Ivy
Lammyman: Dead Tree + Snow
Lammyman: Our Home - When we lived in France
Lammyman: Walnut Eater - Harvester outside our French cottage
Lammyman: French Ploughman
Lammyman: On Christmas Day in the (Early) Morning
Lammyman: Weeping Blossom in our garden in our garden in France
Lammyman: "Down the Street where I Live"
Lammyman: The Weeping Tree
Lammyman: Tree At Christmas....almost
Lammyman: Outside Our Gates
Lammyman: Winter Skyline in France
Lammyman: River Cere at Bretenoux
Lammyman: Walking The Dog
Lammyman: Evening Tree and French House
Lammyman: With And Without Ivy
Lammyman: Big Old Tree