ND-Photo.nl: Nelson Portrait #1 20160421
ND-Photo.nl: Nelson Portrait #2 20160421
ND-Photo.nl: Nelson's 5th Birthday 08-01-2017
ND-Photo.nl: Christmas 2016 with Nelson & Ollie
ND-Photo.nl: Beautiful Sunset in Sevenum
ND-Photo.nl: Sanne in Sevenum
ND-Photo.nl: Nelson & Ollie
ND-Photo.nl: Sun setting down
ND-Photo.nl: Farsight in Sevenum
ND-Photo.nl: End of Sevenum
ND-Photo.nl: Our 2 Rascals, Ollie & Nelson
ND-Photo.nl: Nelson in Fort Pillowsworth
ND-Photo.nl: Nelson in Fort Pillowsworth
ND-Photo.nl: Ollie
ND-Photo.nl: Typical Ollie
ND-Photo.nl: Sanne & Ollie
ND-Photo.nl: The most interesting dog in the world
ND-Photo.nl: Looking up
ND-Photo.nl: Happy
ND-Photo.nl: Happy
ND-Photo.nl: Sniffles
ND-Photo.nl: Hold me
ND-Photo.nl: When Nelson was a little man
ND-Photo.nl: When Nelson was a little man
ND-Photo.nl: When Nelson was a little man
ND-Photo.nl: When Nelson was a little man
ND-Photo.nl: Look how tiny he is
ND-Photo.nl: Nelson waits for me
ND-Photo.nl: Ollie walk