Andy Pritchard - Photography Services: Pine Processionary Thaumetopoea pityocampa
Andy Pritchard - Photography Services: Pine Processionary Thaumetopoea pityocampa
Andy Pritchard - Photography Services: Large Skipper Butterfly
Andy Pritchard - Photography Services: Meadow Brown confusion as I have been told below, so not Gamekeeper
Andy Pritchard - Photography Services: Apparently Meadow Brown as below
Andy Pritchard - Photography Services: Large Skipper and Friends
Andy Pritchard - Photography Services: Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta
Andy Pritchard - Photography Services: Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta
Andy Pritchard - Photography Services: Small Tortoiseshell Aglais urticae
Andy Pritchard - Photography Services: Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta
Andy Pritchard - Photography Services: Crop of the wing detail
Andy Pritchard - Photography Services: Large Skipper on a Thistle Flower
Andy Pritchard - Photography Services: The Butterfly and the Bee's
Andy Pritchard - Photography Services: Warmer days - I stand corrected it is a Red & Black Froghopper (Cercopis vulnerata),