andyjphillips: Horsefair Malmesbury July 2002
andyjphillips: 36 Horsefair - July 2002
andyjphillips: 23rd Apr 07 Just after explosion
andyjphillips: 23rd Apr 07 Just after explosion
andyjphillips: 23rd Apr 07 Just after explosion
andyjphillips: 23rd Apr 07 Just after explosion
andyjphillips: 23rd Apr 07 Just after explosion
andyjphillips: 23rd Apr 07 Just after explosion
andyjphillips: 24th Apr 07 Horsefair Morning after
andyjphillips: 24th Apr 07 Horsefair Morning after
andyjphillips: 24th Apr 07 Horsefair Morning after
andyjphillips: 36 Horsefair Aug 07
andyjphillips: Repairs to 36 Horsefair start at last
andyjphillips: Wire Barrier replaced by stonger one
andyjphillips: Horsefair 10th Jan 2009
andyjphillips: Horsefair 10th Jan 2009
andyjphillips: Through the Gap
andyjphillips: Horsefair building site
andyjphillips: Horsefair Repairs continue
andyjphillips: Repairs Continue
andyjphillips: 20080331_78
andyjphillips: 20080331_79
andyjphillips: Men working !
andyjphillips: Painfully slow progress
andyjphillips: Ongoing repairs
andyjphillips: Late afternoon rain 13th Aug
andyjphillips: Sept 12th
andyjphillips: Sept 15th
andyjphillips: Nearing completion
andyjphillips: Rebuild nearly complete