Andy Morffew: Trouble with the Neighbors!
Andy Morffew: Roseate Spoonbill
Andy Morffew: Togetherness
Andy Morffew: Roseate Spoonbill in Flight
Andy Morffew: Cattle Egret
Andy Morffew: Major Construction
Andy Morffew: What's That?
Andy Morffew: Wood Stork
Andy Morffew: Snowy Egret
Andy Morffew: Spoonie
Andy Morffew: Dancing for Breakfast
Andy Morffew: Nearly!!!
Andy Morffew: Fishing Buddies
Andy Morffew: Reddish Egret
Andy Morffew: Well, hello there!
Andy Morffew: Fishing at First Light
Andy Morffew: Sweet Parting
Andy Morffew: Dark and Light!
Andy Morffew: Grey Heron
Andy Morffew: American Bittern
Andy Morffew: The Fishing Dance
Andy Morffew: Würdemann's Heron
Andy Morffew: Reddish Egret
Andy Morffew: Blue!
Andy Morffew: Wood Stork
Andy Morffew: Wood Storks' Nest
Andy Morffew: I need food now!!!
Andy Morffew: Wood Stork
Andy Morffew: Reddish Egret Courtship Display
Andy Morffew: Reddish Egret Courtship.