Andy Morffew: Wilson's Plover
Andy Morffew: Semipalmated Plover
Andy Morffew: Semipalmated Plover
Andy Morffew: Black-bellied Plover
Andy Morffew: Black-bellied Plover
Andy Morffew: Least Sandpiper
Andy Morffew: Western Sandpiper
Andy Morffew: Spotted Sandpiper (winter plumage)
Andy Morffew: Dunlin
Andy Morffew: Ruddy Turnstone
Andy Morffew: The Turnstone and the Crab
Andy Morffew: Willet
Andy Morffew: Short-billed Dowitcher
Andy Morffew: Willet
Andy Morffew: Droplet!
Andy Morffew: Killdeer's Eye!
Andy Morffew: Western Sandpiper (breeding plumage)
Andy Morffew: Plover Portrait
Andy Morffew: Sanderling
Andy Morffew: Short-billed Dowitcher (breeding plumage)
Andy Morffew: Wilson's Plover
Andy Morffew: Snowy Plover
Andy Morffew: Snowy Plover (Male)
Andy Morffew: Marbled Godwit
Andy Morffew: Short-billed Dowitcher
Andy Morffew: The Beachcomber
Andy Morffew: Wilson's Plover