Andy Miah:
Best pens ever? Only at @wellcometrust #wellcomedeath
Andy Miah:
All ready to go #battleofideas
Andy Miah:
Some London 2012 art legacy in Norwich
Andy Miah:
The Liverpool #biennial theme is 'hospitality'. How do u think this responds?
Andy Miah:
Now that's what i call a museum #porsche
Andy Miah:
What is this worth?
Andy Miah:
Writing a foreword for a book has to be one of the nicest tasks. This one on music, artificial intelligence, and art
Andy Miah:
New article by me on the London 2012 'socialympics' published in The Walkley magazine for journalists
Andy Miah:
Now that's what I call an Olympic legacy.
Andy Miah:
The after image of #london2012
Andy Miah:
Those were the days
Andy Miah:
Bankers make it out for #ourgreatestteam parade #london2012
Andy Miah:
I am literally tweeting while being interviewed by the BBC
Andy Miah:
Bond night at the Barbican - a night to celebrate British film during #london2012
Andy Miah:
Speechless #TeamGB worth a medal?
Andy Miah:
It's an iPad pin at the Olympic Games #teamapple
Andy Miah:
View of London 2012 in t distance from LOCOG offices
Andy Miah:
HMS Belfast and the Olympic rings on #towerbridge #london2012
Andy Miah:
Quoted in the Sunday express today #lovemutants. #london2012 #doping
Andy Miah:
Evolution of the @Rio2016 emblem design
Andy Miah:
My ticket for the Olympic Synchronised swimming, complete with name
Andy Miah:
Anti-Olympic demonstration assembling at Mile End park
Andy Miah:
London 2012 nations and regions pin