Andy McGeechan:
Folleshill Library, Broad St Coventry (1912)
Andy McGeechan:
St Mary's Lane Coventry with Council House Clock tower (1919)
Andy McGeechan:
Council House Coventry [City Hall] (Garret & Simister 1913-1919)
Andy McGeechan:
The Council House, Earl street Coventry (Garret & Simister 1913 -1919)
Andy McGeechan:
Angels at 4 O'Clock
Andy McGeechan:
Statue of Edward "the Confessor" (Henry Wilson 1925) Coventry UK
Andy McGeechan:
Coventry Council House [City Hall] (Garrett & Simister 1913-1919)
Andy McGeechan:
The Kasbah Nightclub, Hillfields, Coventry (architect J. H Gilbert 1913)
Andy McGeechan:
Tree > Wood > Pulp > Paper > Book = Library
Andy McGeechan:
King George V with Queen Mary, Brighton St Coventry (1911)
Andy McGeechan:
The Council House Coventry (1913-1917)
Andy McGeechan:
83 Walsgrave Road Coventry (1912)
Andy McGeechan:
Clock Tower, Council House Coventry (Garratt & Semester 1913)
Andy McGeechan:
Coventry Canal Basin
Andy McGeechan:
Church of St Elizabeth & St Helen Coventry (Harrison & Cox 1960)
Andy McGeechan:
The Council House Coventry ( Garrett & Semester 1913-1917)
Andy McGeechan:
The Churchill Hotel Walsgrave Road Coventry (1911)
Andy McGeechan:
1920 Pattern Mk 1 Rolls Royce Armoured Car
Andy McGeechan:
1911 Rudge motorcycle
Andy McGeechan:
Courtaulds Clock Tower Folleshill Rd Coventry (1913)