Andy McCarthy UK:
Cow IMG_5379
Andy McCarthy UK:
Andy McCarthy UK:
Andy McCarthy UK:
Echinacea IMG_5393
Andy McCarthy UK:
Andy McCarthy UK:
Open IMG_5399
Andy McCarthy UK:
Light Through The Doorway IMG_5403
Andy McCarthy UK:
Round Window IMG_5402
Andy McCarthy UK:
Vine Leaves IMG_5407
Andy McCarthy UK:
Arch IMG_5417
Andy McCarthy UK:
Bark IMG_5426
Andy McCarthy UK:
Shade IMG_5428
Andy McCarthy UK:
Leaves IMG_5425
Andy McCarthy UK:
Big Leaves IMG_5429
Andy McCarthy UK:
White Flowers IMG_5430
Andy McCarthy UK:
Dyrham Park IMG_5436
Andy McCarthy UK:
Pond IMG_5434
Andy McCarthy UK:
Church at Dyrham Park IMG_5437
Andy McCarthy UK:
Dyrham Park IMG_5442
Andy McCarthy UK:
White flowers IMG_5443
Andy McCarthy UK:
White flowers IMG_5444
Andy McCarthy UK:
Leaves IMG_5448
Andy McCarthy UK:
Beneath the tree IMG_5447
Andy McCarthy UK:
Deep Shade IMG_5446
Andy McCarthy UK:
Grid IMG_5466
Andy McCarthy UK:
Grid Bug IMG_5465
Andy McCarthy UK:
Shadow IMG_5459
Andy McCarthy UK:
Gate IMG_5455
Andy McCarthy UK:
Leaf Shadow IMG_5476
Andy McCarthy UK:
Orangery IMG_5486