AndyMathis: Christmas Ornament in the Mail
AndyMathis: Hanging in the Tree
AndyMathis: Here's what you'll need to get started.
AndyMathis: ornament, Paper Strips Tutorial
AndyMathis: Fasteners, Hangers.
AndyMathis: CropOdile.
AndyMathis: Arranging the Paper Strips
AndyMathis: Punch a hole in the strips
AndyMathis: hole is punched.
AndyMathis: Eyelet is placed.
AndyMathis: Ribbon
AndyMathis: ornamentenvelope
AndyMathis: PaperClip
AndyMathis: The ribbon hanger.
AndyMathis: Paper clip
AndyMathis: Another view.
AndyMathis: Candy Stipe Ornament