andyluke: All along the watchtower
andyluke: More geese
andyluke: I must get more photos of these geese (they have ben turned to stone)
andyluke: Sergio Leone Geese
andyluke: Cavey
andyluke: remain in light
andyluke: Rows of Pottery
andyluke: heyhullohey
andyluke: rock springs and ducks leave
andyluke: More Cacti
andyluke: I am the Vorlons Morden EEEK
andyluke: and apparently they still number houses like this in some parts of the world
andyluke: in the valley of the rock
andyluke: Cacti Attacti
andyluke: scary branches
andyluke: path
andyluke: rawar says ape cat
andyluke: nice turn
andyluke: no but really..its recycled
andyluke: pagoda and waterfall style
andyluke: pwned
andyluke: rlly pwnd
andyluke: and this is exactly when we saw kosh leave his suit
andyluke: nice expanse (xtlly pty fkn amazon)
andyluke: drunk among the roses in the valley of the moon
andyluke: candid sourabh
andyluke: new userpic
andyluke: first contact
andyluke: crowd at the waterfall
andyluke: getting knotted