andyluke: Alans interests other than rambling include
andyluke: Richard reads Hellspoon
andyluke: Script Doctor XI
andyluke: RastaBarney
andyluke: Princess
andyluke: Moto channels a light vortex - typical
andyluke: Moto
andyluke: Mmmm progressive pencils
andyluke: Midwinter Carnival Resurfaces
andyluke: John has one of the longest fingers known to man
andyluke: John and Jenny LC
andyluke: Demony
andyluke: Damian photographs
andyluke: Damian and John
andyluke: Damian fans
andyluke: Cakes
andyluke: Alans novelty tardis shaped pen fluctuates the dimensional boundaries
andyluke: The script doctor is in
andyluke: Princess Andrew is my new companion, not what i'd hoped for, still nice threads
andyluke: Doctor XI