Andy Knight: Making Christmas Cookies [VIDEO]
Andy Knight: Knight-8178
Andy Knight: Nothing like the crackle and warmth of a hi-def
Andy Knight: Making paper snowflakes
Andy Knight: Our Elf on the Shelf showed up in Caleb's backpack
Andy Knight: Sticks in the Water
Andy Knight: Another stick in the water
Andy Knight: Caleb at on the pier
Andy Knight: At the Chattahoochee Nature Center
Andy Knight: Andrew on the pier
Andy Knight: Caleb still at the pier
Andy Knight: The boys are obsessed with putting the sticks in the water
Andy Knight: Minutes before it turned really bad
Andy Knight: Testing the vewfinder
Andy Knight: Tiffany getting a kiss from Andrew
Andy Knight: Teeing it up
Andy Knight: Tiffany and Andrew
Andy Knight: Awww...don't let them fool you.
Andy Knight: Making Reindeer Cookies
Andy Knight: Making cookies
Andy Knight: Decorating the cookies
Andy Knight: How the reindeer cookies are supposed to look when Tiffany decorates them
Andy Knight: Andrew concentrating on his cookie decorating
Andy Knight: Take 127. Now everybody smile.
Andy Knight: Peeking in the stocking
Andy Knight: Andy and Andrew
Andy Knight: Playing ball with Aunt Wendy
Andy Knight: More Christmas presents
Andy Knight: LEGO bionicle
Andy Knight: Trying on their new lunch box backpacks