andyjay: Sex panther
andyjay: Andy Cock Blockins
andyjay: Baby birds
andyjay: Poopin'
andyjay: So painfully white
andyjay: Scruffier days
andyjay: Me and Ava down by the schoolyard
andyjay: Feels good betwixt my legs
andyjay: Like father like son
andyjay: Scurvy
andyjay: Three generations of obnoxious Jewish men
andyjay: Pallies redux
andyjay: Stoicly heroic
andyjay: Son of a bitch
andyjay: This is for the molokai cops
andyjay: Body by Pinto
andyjay: I donwanna be a pinhead no more
andyjay: Beefcake!
andyjay: Green eggs and dan
andyjay: Am I getting too old for this shit?
andyjay: Rawk!
andyjay: Best come correct
andyjay: ZANG!
andyjay: Top of the world ma
andyjay: Corn-trait: Andy
andyjay: Evil seen
andyjay: Ma'am
andyjay: Fuzzier, beardier, bluer
andyjay: Shaaa-monn!!
andyjay: Mrs. Ricker