Andy Hardy:
Your happy crew!
Andy Hardy:
Approaching Didcot Power Station...
Andy Hardy:
Didcot Power Station, from 4,500'
Andy Hardy:
4,500' - on our way!
Andy Hardy:
Passing RAF Fairford, Gloucestershire
Andy Hardy:
Welsh Hills ahead under the distant cloudline...
Andy Hardy:
Kemble airfield, Gloucestershire
Andy Hardy:
Andy Hardy:
Severn River Estuary
Andy Hardy:
Merthyr Tydfil and other Welsh Valleys
Andy Hardy:
Brecon Hills and views north into West Wales...
Andy Hardy:
Welsh coast coming into view, somewhere over the Brecons...
Andy Hardy:
Final Approach, Aberport Rwy 26
Andy Hardy:
Aberporth, full flap!
Andy Hardy:
About to touchdown, West Wales (Aberporth) Rwy 26
Andy Hardy:
Climbing towards Strumble VOR...
Andy Hardy:
Climbing towards Strumble VOR...
Andy Hardy:
Poppit Sands, West Wales
Andy Hardy:
Flight Level 085 - coasting-out from Strumble towards Ireland...
Andy Hardy:
Looking back towards Wales and St. David's Head...
Andy Hardy:
View from mid-channel
Andy Hardy:
I think I can see the coast ahead....!
Andy Hardy:
Rosslare & Wexford, from about 20 miles out...
Andy Hardy:
Couty Wexford, as seen from about 10 miles out... FL085
Andy Hardy:
I can see the coast! Nearly there...
Andy Hardy:
Looking ahead into Co. Wexford as we coast-in
Andy Hardy:
Coasting-in, over Ireland at last!
Andy Hardy:
Wexford town, Ireland
Andy Hardy:
Wexford Town
Andy Hardy:
Looking to the south, County Wexford