[¯Ô¯] Andy C: Old Town Canon
[¯Ô¯] Andy C: Fire Devastates the Golden West
[¯Ô¯] Andy C: Fire Devastates the Golden West
[¯Ô¯] Andy C: Firetruck - Golden West - Albuquerque
[¯Ô¯] Andy C: Thru the sunroof
[¯Ô¯] Andy C: One Object 365 Days 59/365 2-28-08
[¯Ô¯] Andy C: Very Large Array - Parking Area
[¯Ô¯] Andy C: One Object 365 Days 60/365 2-29-08
[¯Ô¯] Andy C: 60 of threesixtyfive
[¯Ô¯] Andy C: Cows and VLA
[¯Ô¯] Andy C: VLA late afternoon
[¯Ô¯] Andy C: The VLA later in the day
[¯Ô¯] Andy C: Element in its element
[¯Ô¯] Andy C: IMG_5682
[¯Ô¯] Andy C: One Object 365 Days 61/365 3-01-08
[¯Ô¯] Andy C: The Center of the Universe
[¯Ô¯] Andy C: Nan Bei Wushu
[¯Ô¯] Andy C: University of New Mexico
[¯Ô¯] Andy C: Also at/near the Center of the Universe
[¯Ô¯] Andy C: 61 of threesixtyfive
[¯Ô¯] Andy C: Albuquerque @ sunset