andyb: Big Scratch
andyb: Big Scratch on iPod Nano
andyb: Scratched iPod NanoG
andyb: Back of iPod Nano
andyb: Back of iPod Nano 2
andyb: Scratches on back of iPod Nano
andyb: Scratches on back of iPod Nano 2
andyb: Lots of Scratches
andyb: Enter Brasso
andyb: Can of Brasso
andyb: Brasso and iPod
andyb: Brasso and iPod
andyb: Cleaning the iPod
andyb: Cleaning the iPod
andyb: Applying the Brasso
andyb: Applying the Brasso
andyb: Apply Brasso in Small Circles
andyb: iPod now has minimal scratches
andyb: Only slight scratching
andyb: Only minor scratching remains
andyb: Most of the big scratch has gone
andyb: Almost as good as new
andyb: Almost as good as new