andy.brittle: Brian at the Royal Wedding
andy.brittle: You will NEVER take my lamp post
andy.brittle: Somebody's coming
andy.brittle: There was a crowd
andy.brittle: Typical of my attempts to capture anybody vaguely royal
andy.brittle: Yeah yeah, there were marching bands
andy.brittle: There was a crowd
andy.brittle: Is that Fergie in the crowd?
andy.brittle: Yeah, marching band again
andy.brittle: Crowned heads were there
andy.brittle: Standing to attention
andy.brittle: Mmmmm, nice hats!!
andy.brittle: He <3 Will y
andy.brittle: Outside the Palace
andy.brittle: Outside the Palace
andy.brittle: Outside the Palace
andy.brittle: Outside the Palace
andy.brittle: You can just about see the Queen's shoulder
andy.brittle: Royal Wedding
andy.brittle: Outside the Palace
andy.brittle: The media were present
andy.brittle: Trampling the flowerbeds
andy.brittle: Open air studio
andy.brittle: Open air studio
andy.brittle: Watched by the media
andy.brittle: Another open air studio
andy.brittle: They don't call him Flagface for nothing
andy.brittle: Are they there yet?
andy.brittle: Mummy, make the noise go away
andy.brittle: Bad digital zoom, sorry