andy.brittle: Apollo 10
andy.brittle: Rocket
andy.brittle: Spaceman
andy.brittle: Steam engine spinny thing
andy.brittle: Steam engine piston
andy.brittle: Steam engine piston
andy.brittle: See-through man
andy.brittle: See-through man
andy.brittle: Like a jigsaw thing
andy.brittle: Steam engine spinny thing
andy.brittle: A bit of old plane
andy.brittle: I remember those stickers!
andy.brittle: Science Museum roof
andy.brittle: Science Museum roof
andy.brittle: Generic Science Museum shot
andy.brittle: Engine thing
andy.brittle: Upside down car on the roof
andy.brittle: Upside down car on the roof
andy.brittle: Victoria and Albert Museum - Victoria
andy.brittle: Victoria and Albert Museum - Albert
andy.brittle: It's Christmas already!
andy.brittle: Hmmm... ok
andy.brittle: That one doesn't look very happy
andy.brittle: I wouldn't want to upset him
andy.brittle: How many animals can you fit on one building?
andy.brittle: Raarrr
andy.brittle: Gold shiny animals