Andy Bowar Photography:
We're home!
Andy Bowar Photography:
Matt poised
Andy Bowar Photography:
Sunset on the way home
Andy Bowar Photography:
Andy Bowar Photography:
Packing up
Andy Bowar Photography:
Hiking back to the cars
Andy Bowar Photography:
Andy Bowar Photography:
Kevin taking a picture of us
Andy Bowar Photography:
Ben R using his powers
Andy Bowar Photography:
Andy Bowar Photography:
Made it to the cars
Andy Bowar Photography:
Steep decline
Andy Bowar Photography:
Most difficult part of our hike out
Andy Bowar Photography:
Taking down the tent
Andy Bowar Photography:
Packing up
Andy Bowar Photography:
Sitting around the campfire
Andy Bowar Photography:
Standing around the campfire
Andy Bowar Photography:
Standing around the campfire
Andy Bowar Photography:
Standing around the campfire
Andy Bowar Photography:
Standing around the campfire
Andy Bowar Photography:
Micah building a log bridge
Andy Bowar Photography:
Micah building a log bridge
Andy Bowar Photography:
Rising waters
Andy Bowar Photography:
Our firepit from the first night
Andy Bowar Photography:
A bench we made the first night
Andy Bowar Photography:
Checking out the rising waters
Andy Bowar Photography:
Burning bamboo
Andy Bowar Photography:
Safely across
Andy Bowar Photography:
Fording the rising waters
Andy Bowar Photography:
Phil explains