Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Ol49-59 leaving Kotowo for Granowo
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Ol49-59 leaving Kotowo for Granowo
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Ol49-59 between Granowo and Strykowo
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Ty1-76 at Wolsztyn Depot
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Wolsztyn Depot
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Stored locos at Wolsztyn
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Ok1-322 at Wolsztyn Depot
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Ol49-59 leaving Ruchocice for Drzymalowo
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Ol49-59 leaving Ruchocice for Drzymalowo
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Ol49-59 leaving Ptaszkowo for Grodzisk
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Ol49-59 leaving Drzymalowo for Rakoniewice
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Ol49-59 between Strykowo and Granowo
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Ol49-59 between Strykowo and Granowo
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Ol49-59 between Strykowo and Granowo
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Ol49-59 approaching Kotowo
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Ol49-59 leaving Kotowo for Ptaszkowo
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Ol49-59 after crossing the 32 main road heading for Ruchocice
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Ol49-59 and Ty1-76 at Wolsztyn Depot
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Pete and Paul with Ol49-59 at Poznan Depot
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Ol49-59 between Strykowo and Granowo
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Ol49-59 about to cross the 32 main road heading for Ruchocice
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Ol49-59 leaving Wolsztyn
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Wolsztyn Shed
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Wolsztyn Shed
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Wolsztyn Shed
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Pm36-2 'Beautiful Helena' at Wolsztyn Depot
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Ol49-59 at Wolsztyn Depot
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Ol49-59 at Wolsztyn Depot
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Stored locos at Wolsztyn Depot
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Stored locos at Wolsztyn Depot