Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
31618 in left line
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
(front) 34039 'Boscastle'
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
(front) 44123
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
(front to back) 4270, 6984 'Owsden Hall', 6024 'King Edward II', 34070 'Manston'
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
4930 'Hagley Hall' and 5900 'Hinderton Hall'
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
5322 and 4247. (from RM Web concerning the scrapping of steam September 2011) "It seems an appeal was made by The Great Western Society to BR to release Woodham's from the obligation to scrap 5322, then the last surviving Churhward 2-6-0. Being successfu
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
5043 'Earl of Mount Edgecumbe' with 31806, 31638 and 30825 at rear
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
80135, 92207 and 34072 '257 Squadron'
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
47406 and 47493
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
78018, 78059 and 78019
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
7927 'Willington Hall', 6984 'Oswden Hall', bunker of 4270 and tender of 34010 'Sidmouth'
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
92207, 34072 '257 Squadron', 34092 'City of Wells', 47298 in next row
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
3845 and 35006 'Peninsular and Oriental S.N. Co'
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
Pannier Tank
Andrew Bishop's Pictures:
My friend Graham fiddling with 9466