Andrew_Squirrel: Possible new glasses candidate ?
Andrew_Squirrel: Look at that long blue road!
Andrew_Squirrel: The Settlers of Catan
Andrew_Squirrel: Evil Rowling on the door
Andrew_Squirrel: Deven's fantastic Raster on the Point83 website
Andrew_Squirrel: 327 Words Studio 54 Disco Time Trial
Andrew_Squirrel: Point 83 4eva?
Andrew_Squirrel: More monitor insanity
Andrew_Squirrel: My pre-interview notes page for my current job
Andrew_Squirrel: New lenses arrived for my new frames so I can actually wear them. Woo!
Andrew_Squirrel: Nice tongue Mr. Finn dog
Andrew_Squirrel: Elyse and her Dogwood tree
Andrew_Squirrel: Finally, a sunny Saturday
Andrew_Squirrel: Elyse test riding a Redline touring/cyclocross!
Andrew_Squirrel: Elyse test riding a Redline touring/cyclocross!
Andrew_Squirrel: Boeing Employees Mineralogical Society
Andrew_Squirrel: Gem & Mineral Club Vest with patches
Andrew_Squirrel: Gem & Mineral Club
Andrew_Squirrel: New LAKE record, I has it
Andrew_Squirrel: The Shield Around the K
Andrew_Squirrel: My first issue!
Andrew_Squirrel: Midget or child?
Andrew_Squirrel: New Glasses Arrived!
Andrew_Squirrel: bird revenge