Andrew_Squirrel: NAMM front entrance at Anaheim Convention Center
Andrew_Squirrel: Vert shot of NAMM 2008
Andrew_Squirrel: Palm trees and NAMM
Andrew_Squirrel: Outside NAMM
Andrew_Squirrel: Walkway around Convention Center
Andrew_Squirrel: View down the street
Andrew_Squirrel: Stadium attached to Convention Center
Andrew_Squirrel: another walkway
Andrew_Squirrel: John Lennon Van
Andrew_Squirrel: Convention Center pillars
Andrew_Squirrel: Convention Center from outside section E
Andrew_Squirrel: NAMM SHOW!
Andrew_Squirrel: NAMM wide view
Andrew_Squirrel: Big NAMM signs
Andrew_Squirrel: NAMM good view
Andrew_Squirrel: Gumby Guitar?
Andrew_Squirrel: Machine Gun Guitar
Andrew_Squirrel: Beautiful sounding and looking pedals at Ooh La La
Andrew_Squirrel: A nice CNC machine cutting out a guitar body
Andrew_Squirrel: The HUGGGE Roland booth...impressive
Andrew_Squirrel: Roland Demos
Andrew_Squirrel: Enter the Boss Pedal
Andrew_Squirrel: Rolands relaxed piano setting
Andrew_Squirrel: School Of Rock
Andrew_Squirrel: Digital Harpsichord, really?
Andrew_Squirrel: Yup, that is a digital harpsichord
Andrew_Squirrel: That is alot of Boss tuners with the same note frequency
Andrew_Squirrel: ultimate grand digital piano
Andrew_Squirrel: Roland Drummers
Andrew_Squirrel: Expensive looking Drumsets