A.M.G.1: safety in numbers....of legs?
A.M.G.1: Waiting for the scraps.....
A.M.G.1: you rang?
A.M.G.1: Saddle-billed Stork (Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis)
A.M.G.1: stormy african evening
A.M.G.1: Mad dash.......
A.M.G.1: The Bossman (Panthera pardus)
A.M.G.1: thirsty work...
A.M.G.1: bath time...and loving it
A.M.G.1: do you want to know a secret?
A.M.G.1: waiting....
A.M.G.1: water skiing
A.M.G.1: shall I cross or .......
A.M.G.1: macdonald's view
A.M.G.1: zebra crossing
A.M.G.1: evening stroll
A.M.G.1: my favourite place...
A.M.G.1: here we come again.....
A.M.G.1: a pair of Pied Kingfishers (Ceryle rudis)
A.M.G.1: Leopard mom cleaning her cub
A.M.G.1: last light
A.M.G.1: and on the way I met her.....
A.M.G.1: redbilled francolin (Pternistis adspersus)
A.M.G.1: impala butts (Aepyceros melampus)
A.M.G.1: Unhappy that Easter's over......
A.M.G.1: carmine bee eater in full flight
A.M.G.1: tall tail!
A.M.G.1: young Cape hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus)
A.M.G.1: between a trunk and a big leg
A.M.G.1: boo! Male hippo letting everyone know that he's in the mood!