Andy Allum: Markus
Andy Allum: The T-Shirt says it all!
Andy Allum: Pizza time!
Andy Allum: Dan & Al
Andy Allum: Conversation
Andy Allum: It's a cockney sing-a-long!
Andy Allum: In the bar
Andy Allum: Bright eyes burning like fire!
Andy Allum: A cause for concern
Andy Allum: Ollie, Laura & Henry
Andy Allum: Jagger
Andy Allum: Something gets approval
Andy Allum: Depth Charge!
Andy Allum: Aaaargghhh!
Andy Allum: Apple Schnapps
Andy Allum: Cheers!
Andy Allum: Urban Gorilla!
Andy Allum: The dreaded T-Bar
Andy Allum: Jon& stick
Andy Allum: The Fog
Andy Allum: Veiw from the front of the hostel
Andy Allum: Just look at that!
Andy Allum: Ollie, Jon & Tim
Andy Allum: On the way to the Fondu
Andy Allum: Waiting for the Fondu
Andy Allum: More waiting
Andy Allum: Jon delves in his sack
Andy Allum: Foggy piste
Andy Allum: Foggy piste 2
Andy Allum: Foggy chair lifts