Explosion 5000: Fremont Lights
Explosion 5000: Assistant Extrodinaire Gus
Explosion 5000: Handstand
Explosion 5000: Carrie Event
Explosion 5000: How's your drink?
Explosion 5000: Gus on the ridge
Explosion 5000: Used Car Emporium
Explosion 5000: Girl by Waterfall
Explosion 5000: Accident waiting to happen
Explosion 5000: Lightspeed_Champion_002
Explosion 5000: Portage Bay
Explosion 5000: The United States Capitol
Explosion 5000: Golden Gardens Tree
Explosion 5000: DSC_7431_sharpen
Explosion 5000: Innerspace
Explosion 5000: Gus climbing the Interglacier
Explosion 5000: Aurora of Seattle
Explosion 5000: Shawn Glassford
Explosion 5000: Bride & Groom Woot Woot
Explosion 5000: Little Fella
Explosion 5000: Josh & Alex