Andy Howell: Bryan Nott — Event Steward
Andy Howell: Birmingham's Clarion Singers
Andy Howell: Cuts Kill, Disabled People Against the Cuts
Andy Howell: The Cuts we Need
Andy Howell: The March
Andy Howell: The Clarion Singers
Andy Howell: Community and Youth Workers
Andy Howell: The March
Andy Howell: Graeme Horn UNISON
Andy Howell: Maxie Hayles
Andy Howell: Listening to Speeches
Andy Howell: Bob Findlay
Andy Howell: The Pearce Family
Andy Howell: Donald McCombie, UNISON
Andy Howell: Library Staff Won't be Silenced!
Andy Howell: The march
Andy Howell: The march
Andy Howell: Cllr. Ian Ward, Deputy Leader Labour Group
Andy Howell: The March
Andy Howell: Tax Bankers
Andy Howell: Aston Against the Cuts
Andy Howell: The Big Society?
Andy Howell: The March
Andy Howell: Barclays pay your tax!
Andy Howell: The march
Andy Howell: The march
Andy Howell: The march
Andy Howell: Vodaphone _ Pay Your Tax!
Andy Howell: Break the Coalition