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Building a big Koi carp pond by Andy Coe
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Andy Coe
big pond being built
Andy Coe
big pond just finished
Andy Coe
pond being built
Andy Coe
Andy building big pond
Andy Coe
Fish being fed bread
Andy Coe
Koi in big pond
Andy Coe
Lynne feeding fish
Andy Coe
big pond
Andy Coe
big pond complete
Andy Coe
big pond finished
Andy Coe
big pond build done
Andy Coe
big pond build filling up
Andy Coe
big pond build filling with water
Andy Coe
big pond build andy starting it
Andy Coe
big pond build Andy and Graham digging
Andy Coe
big pond build digging out
Andy Coe
big pond build hole dug out
Andy Coe
big pond build digging out new one
Andy Coe
big pond build digging
Andy Coe
big pond build graham and andy and skipper after tea
Andy Coe
big pond build liner in place
Andy Coe
big pond build hose pipe in and water flowing
Andy Coe
big pond build filling with water and fish in
Andy Coe
big pond build water up high
Andy Coe
big pond build ventura fitted
Andy Coe
big pond build new pump in
Andy Coe
big pond build fish swimming
Andy Coe
big pond build brick wall
Andy Coe
big pond build wall being built
Andy Coe
big pond build wall built around it
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