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Building a Light painting wand tool by Andy Coe
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Andy Coe
Testing the new toy
Andy Coe
Testing the wand in the garden
Andy Coe
A test of the tool in the garden
Andy Coe
Another test of the wand
Andy Coe
Test of the wand
Andy Coe
Wand test
Andy Coe
Light wand finished
Andy Coe
All complete with remote
Andy Coe
Light wand assembled
Andy Coe
Strip lights attatched
Andy Coe
Strip lights tie wrapped on.
Andy Coe
Adding the strip lights to the wand
Andy Coe
Securing wires with tape
Andy Coe
Battery box attatched to tube
Andy Coe
Light converter and battery box tie wrapped onto tube
Andy Coe
Battery box tie wrapped and taped to tube
Andy Coe
Battery Box made from toilet roll middle and black tape
Andy Coe
Testing circuit and connectors before attatching to pole
Andy Coe
Wiring for batteries and switch
Andy Coe
On Off switch in the pole
Andy Coe
Hole for switch
Andy Coe
Hole in tube for switch
Andy Coe
Nothing fancy
Andy Coe
Some of the tools for the job