andrys1: On the way from Lucca to Massa-Carrara
andrys1: Massa-Carrara
andrys1: Massa-Carrara
andrys1: Massa-Carrara
andrys1: Massa-Carrara
andrys1: Massa-Carrara
andrys1: Massa-Carrara, Italy - Marble mountains or quarries, where Michelangelo chose his marble
andrys1: Massa-Carrara
andrys1: Massa-Carrara - structure clearer here
andrys1: Massa-Carrara
andrys1: Massa-Carrara
andrys1: Massa Carrara
andrys1: Fantiscritti Quarry area, Carrara, Italy, where Michelangelo chose his marble
andrys1: Fantiscritti Quarry area
andrys1: Fantiscritti Quarry area
andrys1: Fantiscritti Quarry area - 10~ minutes later
andrys1: Fantiscritti Quarry area
andrys1: This was after going through that never-ending tunnel in the mountain-hills there.
andrys1: Frantiscritti Quarry - a bit closer
andrys1: Marble walls and floors of course!
andrys1: Zoomed in on this area of the quarry
andrys1: Beef and black mushrooms near Collidi-Uzzana, Italy - somewhat nearby and delicious