take_my_breath: tocando el cielo con tus pies
take_my_breath: boys like girls
take_my_breath: grain is good, yeah so good
take_my_breath: Andres - Naserin
take_my_breath: okey, now...POSE! hahah this is so ridiculous.
take_my_breath: Iris and Mauro
take_my_breath: look after you
take_my_breath: and fly far away from here...
take_my_breath: moments that i'll never forget
take_my_breath: two lauras in a row
take_my_breath: but this time, dont come back.
take_my_breath: Deathly Hallows
take_my_breath: it is almost here...
take_my_breath: Paris 1999
take_my_breath: Makkids from Makki Design