android.coconut: Lily y su Dell
android.coconut: Alex, qué joven...
android.coconut: Pero qué guapo es mi amigo...
android.coconut: Alexm y Pily
android.coconut: Risas y Sol
android.coconut: Dame Sol, soy informático
android.coconut: Tomemos el Sol
android.coconut: Noches de cine
android.coconut: Juego con mi olivero
android.coconut: Agua, agua!
android.coconut: Sentadito
android.coconut: Botellón
android.coconut: On gray days I just want to jump
android.coconut: Loop, loop, looping
android.coconut: When everything is filthy and gross, you just gotta look on the bright side
android.coconut: Kiwi, kiwi, kiwi
android.coconut: Murder is always a mistake - one should never do anything one cannot talk about after dinner