andrew-thompson: Manhattan
andrew-thompson: Empire State Lobby
andrew-thompson: Times Square
andrew-thompson: M&M Shop
andrew-thompson: Broadway
andrew-thompson: One Big Mc D's
andrew-thompson: Gray's Papaya
andrew-thompson: Madison Square Garden
andrew-thompson: Viva America
andrew-thompson: Empire State
andrew-thompson: Empire State
andrew-thompson: Empire State
andrew-thompson: Empire State
andrew-thompson: Empire State
andrew-thompson: Empire State
andrew-thompson: Not the Statue of Liberty
andrew-thompson: TGI Friday's
andrew-thompson: Some Church
andrew-thompson: Trump Towers
andrew-thompson: The Big Apple
andrew-thompson: 24oz Budweiser
andrew-thompson: The Big Apple
andrew-thompson: Central Park
andrew-thompson: Central Park
andrew-thompson: Central Park
andrew-thompson: Central Park
andrew-thompson: Central Park
andrew-thompson: Central Park
andrew-thompson: Some Street in Uptown NY
andrew-thompson: Radio City Music Hall