quayman: On the horizon
pedro lastra: Little hermit Hummingbird, Trinidad.
Paulino Alacid Fernández: Águila perdicera
Tim Melling: Crossbills: Father and son, or is it??
steve R J: DSC00137 - Jay
Helen-George: Autumnal Colours
Rob & Amy Lavoie: Red-bellied Woodpecker
Tim Birds: Pink Footed Geese Titchwell 13-10-18
Tim Birds: Sanderling Titchwell 13-10-18
Tim Birds: Turnstone Titchwell 13-10-18
pedro lastra: Carson Forest, New Mexico.
NickWakeling: Bearded Tit
fugle: Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna)
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: DSC5809 Wryneck...
raudkollur: Fjallafinka - Brambling - Fringilla montifringilla
raudkollur: Glókollur - Goldcrest - Regulus regulus
Distinctly Average: Ringed Plover
gcampbellphoto: European Turtle Dove (Streptopelia turtur)
tim stenton www.TimtheWhale.com: European Otter (Lutra lutra)- 30 Sep-18-21132
NickWakeling: Bullfinch
bearprintsphotography: River bank muse
Sybalan,: Carrbridge
FarnboroJohn TYVM for 5,000,000 Views: 20180825 (99)_MK356_Supermarine_Spitfire_Mk_IX
Sybalan,: RSPB Lochgarten
Cosper Wosper: Record shot : Part of the 'Invasion' of Cattle egret
Ron Thomas2008: _L2A1110.jpg
REZA2K3: DSC_2539-Edit
Kristofer Williams: 'September Skies'
ianrobertcole1971: Little Owlet