AndrewSingleton: Andrew with Safari Vehicle
AndrewSingleton: First Young Giraffe Spotted at Tanagire National Park
AndrewSingleton: First Young Giraffe Spotted at Tanagire National Park 2
AndrewSingleton: Female Impala Behind Tree
AndrewSingleton: Impala at Tarangire National Park
AndrewSingleton: Giraffe over Small Mound
AndrewSingleton: Lonely Impala in Tarangire National Park
AndrewSingleton: Walking Giraffe Black and White
AndrewSingleton: Impalas, Wildebeests, and Zebra
AndrewSingleton: The Waterhole
AndrewSingleton: Impala and Blacksmith Lapwings at Waterhole
AndrewSingleton: Zebra at the Waterhole
AndrewSingleton: Scatty Impalas at the Waterhole
AndrewSingleton: Birds at the Waterhole
AndrewSingleton: Impala and Wildebeest at the Waterhole
AndrewSingleton: 2 Impalas at the Waterhole
AndrewSingleton: 3 Impalas at the Waterhole
AndrewSingleton: Couple of Zebras
AndrewSingleton: Impala and Widebeests
AndrewSingleton: Zebra and Horn Locked Impalas
AndrewSingleton: Group of Zebras
AndrewSingleton: Impalas and Monkey
AndrewSingleton: Excitment at the arrival of Elephants
AndrewSingleton: Elephant Family
AndrewSingleton: Elephants by the Waterhole
AndrewSingleton: Young elephants having a drink
AndrewSingleton: Elephants and Ducks at the waterhole
AndrewSingleton: Elephant with ears closed and Blacksmith Lapwings at the waterhole
AndrewSingleton: Elephant with ears open and Blacksmith Lapwings at the waterhole
AndrewSingleton: Animals at the Waterhole